Budget & Finance
Budget development
Review enrollment data, facilities and related needs, building allocations and needs, district staffing, long-range budgetary plans and the debt service schedule
Present budget development calendar to the Board of Education for adoption
Administrators and supervisors review staffing, facility, construction, budget allocations and special needs requests
Departments review their budgets, staffing and long-range needs
Present preliminary budget forecast and budget assumptions and review the governor’s executive budget proposal
Budget presentations and work sessions
Board candidate petitions available
February BOE Budget Presentation
March Budget Presentation
Final review of budget proposal by Board of Education
April Budget Presentation
Legal ads published for annual meeting (45 days prior to vote)
Budget adoption by statutory deadline
Board candidate petitions due by statutory deadline
Property tax report card due to SED and newspaper
Publicize budget information and hold budget informational meetings
Conduct voter registration 5-14 days before vote
Budget Hearing May 12
Mail budget notice after budget hearing, but no later than six days before vote
Budget vote May 20 and board election
Tax information
School tax rates
Listed below are the school tax rates for the past several years. Tax rates are per $1,000 of assessed property value. The district sets final tax rates each August, after the towns finalize assessment figures and the state sets the equalization rates.
2024-25: $14.24
2023-24: $16.29
2022-23: $16.09
STAR program
Homeowners who meet certain eligibility requirements through the New York State School Tax Relief Program (STAR) can have a portion of their home’s assessed value exempt from school property taxes. Learn more about the STAR program by clicking here.
Financial reports
2024-25 Enacted Budget
On Tuesday, May 21, 2024 district residents voted on the 2024-25 proposed budget.
Enacted budget: $78,547,546
Budget change: $3,251,647; 4.32%
Tax levy change: $769,646; 2.00%