On a piece of paper, rising first grader Greyson Adams wrote down the three grown-ups he can trust the most: Mom, Dad and Officer Rob.
Greyson also depicted his favorite superhero coping strategy with a crayon drawing of Officer Carpenter helping him take deep breaths.
During his year in kindergarten, Greyson bonded with the two Queensbury School Resource Officers Rob Sannasardo and George Carpenter. Greyson’s mother sent a photo of the worksheet to Queensbury Elementary School to let the officers know they are appreciated.
“It's just so comforting in a world of such chaos and uncertainty that our children are being protected by the best resource officers, who truly go above and beyond,” said Greyson’s mom, Alyssa Adams.
Both officers responded to Greyson and told him they are excited to see him when school starts in September.
Superintendent of Schools Kyle Gannon said he appreciates the positive connections the officers are making with students.
“It’s nice to know that our school resource officers are invested in the school,” Gannon said, “and in the lives of our students.”