Students of the Quarter stand in group with plaques.

Thirteen Queensbury High School students were named Students of the Quarter during a breakfast ceremony on Thursday, Dec. 5. 

Student of the Quarter recognizes students for their character as well as their academic success. Principal Andrew Snide quoted former UCLA basketball coach John Wooden, who said, “Be more concerned with your character rather than your reputation, because your character is really what you are while your reputation is merely what others think of you.”

Student shakes hands with teacher.Snide thanked the parents who attended the ceremony for instilling positive character traits in their children. Superintendent of Schools Kyle Gannon also lauded the parents for their leadership and guidance. 

“This is a day where you get a chance to be really proud of yourselves, parents,” Gannon said, “and kids, be proud of yourselves as well, because you did it. You’re our best. You’re the cream of the crop.” 

Students honored include: 

  • Ava Gonroff, grade 12, art;

  • Gavin McMahon, grade 12, CTE business; 

  • Wyatt Lee, grade 9, CTE technology;

  • Alyssa Beadnell, grade 12, English;

  • Analiese Mastantuono, grade 12, English; 

  • Madelyn Dinsmore, grade 11, French; 

  • Rowan Triller, grade 10, Spanish;

  • Maddox Brodt, grade 9, health; 

  • Ethan Boecher, grade 12, math;

  • Jedd Acquah, grade 9, music; 

  • Kayla Zehr, grade 12, physical education; 

  • Makayla Smith, grade 12, science; and

  • Reece LaNoir, grade 10, social studies. 

Students of the Quarter stand with plaques.