Award winning language students.

Seventeen Queensbury Middle School students in seventh and eighth grade took home bronze, silver and gold honors for excelling in a month-long language competition created by the QMS Language Department. 

The students answered questions not just in Spanish and French, but also in other languages such as German, Italian and Chinese. Combined, the students answered 225,539 questions, earning 124,210 points while working for 499 hours. The top two students earned over 12,000 points each.




Andrew Portuese

Jack Brown

Kylee Whitman

Alexander Bosford

Mikailyn Capone

Desmond Sullivan

Crosby Murphy

Michael Corlew

Brayden Hoskins

Mason Bartone

Alexandru Mailat

Nevaeh Guzman

Rylee Guyette

Leah Hart

Ava Cook

Hazel Wood

Audra Villano