The Queensbury Union Free School District Board of Education intends to add a Queensbury student as an ex officio member of the board.
The board plans to make the president of the Queensbury High School Student Senate an ex officio member of the school board, and that student this year is senior Mark Huffaker, 17. Student Senate Vice President Andrew Murray, 17, will attend Board of Education meetings when Huffaker is unable. They both plan to be in attendance at the first meeting in September.
Superintendent of Schools Kyle Gannon said the Board of Education members are excited to welcome the student liaison.
“I think the Board of Education is progressive in having a student liaison work with them,” Gannon said. “This will allow a true student voice to be heard at a Board of Education meeting. I applaud them for seeking the student voice.”
The students will sit on the nine-member board and can be members of committees, but cannot vote and will not attend any executive sessions. Both students said they are excited to contribute.
“We’ve been attending school since we were in kindergarten,” Huffaker said. “I think it will be fun to contribute something to the Board of Education meeting.”
Murray said he hopes his contribution to the board will lead to a better understanding of the school from a student’s perspective and lead to better representation for students.
“It’s a great honor,” he said.