Queensbury Union Free School District has been recognized with two awards by the New York School Public Relations Association in its annual Communications Contest.
More than 50 communications professionals from across the country served as judges to evaluate more than 430 entries in this year's contest. Queensbury UFSD will receive two of the 151 awards that will be presented for outstanding work in school communications at the NYSPRA Spring Conference in February.
Queensbury UFSD won an Award of Merit for a photograph of two kindergarten students laughing as they performed during Grandparents Breakfast on Dec. 6, 2023.
“This was the very first Grandparents Breakfast for the kindergartners, who sang ‘I Want To Be An Elf’ for their relatives, who captured the precious performance on their phones,” said Gretta Hochsprung, QUFSD’s public information specialist, who took the photo. “These two little girls in red plaid couldn’t contain their giggles.”
Queensbury UFSD won a second Award of Merit for Excellence in Writing for an article published on the district website on March 27, 2024 titled, “‘My American dream has come true’ — QHS hosts naturalization ceremony.”
“It was a uniquely memorable day for the QHS students who attended a naturalization ceremony in the school’s auditorium,” Hochsprung said. “The ceremony was quite moving, and the students were really captivated.”
The ceremony and the resulting article reinforced the district’s mission “to empower all students to be lifelong learners, inspired to pursue their dreams and contribute to the global community.”
“I’m very proud of Gretta Hochsprung’s continued hard work in the Communications Office,” said Superintendent of Schools Kyle Gannon. “She has a clear vision, fresh ideas, and a steadfast commitment to positive, student-centered community engagement.”
Hochsprung will accept the awards at the NYSPRA Spring Conference in Saratoga Springs in February. NYSPRA, a state chapter of the National School Public Relations Association, is a non-profit membership organization that serves school communications professionals and administrators in New York State.