Nearly 100 fifth-grade students at the William H. Barton Intermediate School portrayed different people from history during a Living Wax Museum on Friday, Jan. 31.
Students from four fifth-grade classrooms researched people throughout history, then dressed up and stood in character as wax figures. Students delivered a brief speech when visitors pressed an imaginary button on the floor in front of them.
Teacher Caroline Conboy said she portrayed Helen Keller when she was in fourth grade, and it is still one of the most memorable events of elementary school.
“It is one of the best memories I have from elementary school,” said Conboy. “I remember everything about that day.”
The students picked people who have impacted the world in a positive way. Students then defended their choice with one book and two reputable online resources. Other WHBI students and parents were invited to walk around the Living Wax Museum in the afternoon.
“We just hope that the students get a memorable experience out of it,” Conboy added, “and they gain confidence presenting and learning about their person.”